New Features with HSA 3.3

− Updated Migration Control Data Set (MCDS) audit

− Updated Backup Control Data Set (BCDS) audit

− Updated Offline Control Data Set (OCDS) audit

•  Major audit enhancements include:

♦ Significant performance improvement, decreasing the overall completion time and including additional error type detection.

♦ New audit verification process, including a ‘fixed’ flag for each audit record, allowing users to see what has already been fixed.

♦ Increased control and granularity over which components the audits check. For example, volume and high-level qualifier checking has been added to the (MCDS) audit to allow for a smaller set of data to be audited.

− Full support of HSM backup copies of UNIX files/paths for reporting and auditing

− Unix System Services (USS) Support added to the following reports:

• Data Sets/Files with Backups (MCB)

• Backup Version Entry (MCB)

• Data Sets/Files with Retained Backups (MCBR)

• Backup Versions (MCC)

• Functional Statistics Records

• UNIX File Node (UFN)  – new

− IBM’s z/OS 2.5 operating system support

− Cloud support

− Support for IBM’s ICN 1723 and ICN 1725 – EXECUTABLE=YES (Getmain-Freemain-Storage, IARV64)